Herzlich Willkommen bei der DGMP

Die DGMP ist die deutsche wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaft für Medizinische Physik.  Aufgaben und Ziele

Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Medizinische Physik e.V.

Ernst-Reuter-Platz 10
10587 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 916 070-15

IOMP: International Medical Physics Week on 11-15 May 2020

Die IOMP führt vom 11.-.15.05.2020 die International Medical Physics Week durch. Wir rufen Sie auf, sich daran zu beteiligen und möchten Sie bitten, mögliche Ideen und Aktionen an die DGMP-Geschäftsstelle zu schicken (guehrs@dgmp.de), damit wir das Ganze koordinieren können.


Dear Colleagues,

As you are aware, IOMP decided to launch International Medical Physics Week (IMPW) celebration following the success of International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) . Both events combined are likely to provide great impetus to development and promotion of medical physics in large part of the world.

The very first IMPW is going to be celebrated on 11-15 May 2020. Please visit webpage of IMPW to get a glimpse of possible ideas for you to celebrate IMPW . However, you can use flexibility and use your creativity to develop ideas that help you in your country or city. Further, it is not necessary that you may have activities all days in the week. That is how the concept of week becomes helpful.

I shall greatly appreciate hearing from you using the link above.

Thanking you immensely for your initiatives and contributions.

Happy IMPW,

Yours sincerely,

Madan M. Rehani
President, IOMP