Herzlich Willkommen bei der DGMP

Die DGMP ist die deutsche wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaft für Medizinische Physik.  Aufgaben und Ziele

Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Medizinische Physik e.V.

Ernst-Reuter-Platz 10
10587 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 916 070-15

Survey on Surface Guided Radiation Therapy

Die ESTRO hat eine Umfrage zum Thema "Surface Guided Radiation Therapy" ins Leben gerufen und wir möchten Sie aufrufen, daran teilzunehmen.


Dear ESTRO colleague,

During the 3rd ESTRO physics workshop, a group of “Surface Guided RT” users with various experiences came together to discuss the clinical use and future of this technology. Given the lack of specific recommendations on “Surface Guided RT” to date, we discussed various approaches to QA and commissioning and the establishment of clinical workflows.  One of the outcomes of the workshop was the creation of an ESTRO Working Group dedicated to “Surface Guided RT”.
To this end a survey has been designed with the aim to understand the current “Surface Guided RT -practices", adapt recommendations to the European users, and prioritise guidelines-needs.

Zur Umfrage

We welcome Surface-Guided-RT users and non-users (but who intend to install Surface-guided) to fill this survey. Both Physicists, RTTs, and other professionals involved with this technology are invited to take part. We would however, ideally appreciate one coordinated response per institution/working-group.

This survey may be extensive for some users, please do set aside 10 to 25min to complete it. Please, remember that your feedback is very important to drive future guidelines.
If you have any questions on the survey please contact: Vania Batista  Santos (Vania.SantosBatista@med.uni-heidelberg.de)
The survey will close on 11 October. Click on the link below to take part in the survey.
Thank you for participating in our survey.
The Physics committee