Herzlich Willkommen bei der DGMP

Die DGMP ist die deutsche wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaft für Medizinische Physik.  Aufgaben und Ziele

Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Medizinische Physik e.V.

Ernst-Reuter-Platz 10
10587 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 916 070-15

ESTRO Umfrage zur Dosmetrieüberwachung

Die ESTRO möchte in einer Umfrage die Einschätzung von Medizinphysikerinnen und Medizinphysiker zur Dosmetrieüberwachung erfahren. Wir rufen Sie zur Teilnahme auf.

Survey on dosimetry audit activities in Europe

As Medical Physicists and members of ESTRO,
the community needs your input!

ESTRO has identified dosimetry audit as a key area for support and development. As part of the upcoming ‘Science in Development’ workshop in Glasgow this November (17th-18th) the Dosimetry Audit workshop will examine what role ESTRO can best play to support the greater availability of dosimetry across Europe by developing more efficient and effective methods.

In order to identify the needs for dosimetry audit in radiotherapy in Europe we would like your help in contributing to a survey to find what dosimetry audit activities currently exist and what is lacking. We would be very grateful if you could take 10 minutes to answer the survey and let us know what is happening in your country and what is still needed.

The survey will end on
24 October 2017.